Don’t Let The News Get You Down

Woman watching the news

It can seem like our only window to the outside world is through the news with everyone at home. As lovely as it can be to stay informed, is it good for you to be continuously exposed to current events? Absolutely not.

We will dive into the psychological effects that a steady stream of news can have on your mental health.

Bad News Draws You In

Humans are naturally drawn to negative news. Your brain is built with a higher sensitivity to unpleasant news.

Journalists use sensationalized verbiage and emotionally compelling visuals to gain and maintain a broad audience over their competitors.

While traumatic events will gain their proper coverage, on slower news weeks, minor incidents will be positioned in the media as front line news.

Negative News is Like Candy for the Brain

Now, this is all well and fine; we are drawn to this type of news, so what’s the big deal?

When you’re exposed to news, journalists will draw you in with an emotional connection; either positive or negative. These psychological influences affect your day-to-day thoughts and decision-making.

Unfortunately, the positive thoughts and feelings that we gain from the news are fleeting; they can come and go in a blink of an eye. Negative news has a lasting effect on us emotionally, so our brains are more drawn to it.

Take a Step Away From the News

These negative feelings stem from verbal and visual cues in the media, which is especially harmful. While we do not identify violent images as threatening, we will still internalize negative emotions, like sadness and anxiety.

Online media outlets are continually updating news and headlines, which we have access to via our phones and digital devices. The news will not singularly cause a psychological disorder, but you will react more strongly to what you see in the media if you are prone to them.

It can be an excellent reminder to limit your exposure to the news during these already stressful times. Take a breath, get some fresh air, go for a walk, get away from it all, and give your mind a break it needs.

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