Tips for Happy & Healthy Gardening

Pedim Gardening Tips

Gardening is one of the quintessential arts of homemaking. It’s not for everybody, but it does have a place in this world. What makes tending a garden so unique? It’s the satisfaction of getting some work done, the taste of some home-grown vegetables, and the comfort of doing it from your own home.

Work it Out

There aren’t many activities that double as a low-impact work-out regimen and provide you with some healthy subsistence to keep you going. Gardening offers plenty of both.

Between the squatting down, the pulling of weeds, and kneading the soil, your body gets plenty of movement to get your blood pumping. You don’t even realize all the work that goes into maintaining the garden until you feel it in your muscles by the end of the day.

Getting in some time in your garden gives you 1.5-2 hours of physical activity a week, which goes a long way. There’s always plenty of upkeep to do; between the soil, weeding, watering and checking on your little growing seedlings.

Healthy Eating

Maintaining a garden guarantees you know exactly what you’re eating when it comes time for harvest. There’s no need to worry about what pesticides or other chemicals are being used. Plus, you get to grow exactly what you want to eat and get plenty of it.

Nothing tastes better than produce grown with your hard work. You end up eating more vegetables and fruits, which is never a bad thing. Vegetables picked when ripe have more nutrients, unlike some store-bought vegetables that must be picked early.

Top off your gardening with some vitamin D from your time in the sun and an increase of dopamine from spending time in your garden, and you’re looking at some great benefits. It reduces stress while being a physically challenging yet enjoyable activity.

Staying Safe in the Sun

While you sit out in your garden soaking in the sunshine and tilling to your garden, it’s important to remember to keep yourself safe: apply sunscreen regularly, use insect repellent, and wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun off your face.

Wear gardening gloves to reduce rashes, cuts, and chemicals from getting on your hands as you work in your soil. If you end up using any machinery or power tools, make sure you wear safety goggles, sturdy shoes, and long pants.

When using any tools or chemicals, make sure you follow the instructions and heed any warnings. Keep your tools sharp, and out of the reach of children.

Drink plenty of fluids, take breaks often, and pay attention for a sign of any heat-related illnesses. The last thing you want is for your relaxing day of gardening to take a turn for the worst.

Gardening is a great relaxing activity if you are prepared and have the right mindset. Plus, it can be great fun getting the whole family involved.

If you happen to overdo it while gardening, whether it’s muscle strain, heatstroke, or insect bites, please give us a call or click here to schedule a Telemedicine visit.

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